+ ================================================ + Version date 04 09 2019 + + Post Process file for NWA Rotary 4th Axis tools (both Standard and Mini) + Use this post when Rotary 4th Axis is aligned along the Y and you are wrapping the X. + + In VCarve or Aspire set Job setup to Along Y. + + This post ... + Wraps X values around the Y axis , Cylinder length is along Y axis + X Values are output as A + Y Values output as Y + Z Values are output as Z + There are NO X moves output - tool is assumed to be aligned with centerline of cylinder + + ================================================ + + History + + Who When What + ======= ========== =========================== + BrianM 13/06/2012 Inverted output X moves so positive Z is negative X + JoeB 08/03/2015 Modified post for use with side mounted mini-lathe, added G64, S (placeholder) and M3 + + RandyJ 04/09/2019 + Changed .pp file name to from CNCShark-RY2AY-in to NWA Rotary AlongY WarpX inch + Corrected XY output /third item/ in VAR POSITION + Corrected XY output /third item/ in and HOME POSITION + Changed POST NAME to NWA Rotary Along Y Wrap X inch + Changed ROTARY WRAP from ...WRAP Y... TO ...WRAP X... + Changed Y = XH to X = XH + Corrected typos and XY references errors in the description + Updated Header info so it displays better in the Pendant window +Scott 1/14/2020 Renamed Post Processor + Tim 04/06/2021 Changed spindle delay to 6 sec +================================================ POST_NAME = "Next Wave Rotary AlongY-WrapX(inch)(*.tap)" FILE_EXTENSION = "tap" UNITS = "INCHES" + + To reverse direction of rotary axis change "-A" to "A" below + ROTARY_WRAP_X = "-A" SUBSTITUTE = "({)}" +------------------------------------------------ + Line terminating characters +------------------------------------------------ LINE_ENDING = "[13][10]" +================================================ + + Formatting for variables + +================================================ VAR LINE_NUMBER = [N|A|N|1.0] VAR SPINDLE_SPEED = [S|A|S|1.0] VAR CUT_RATE = [FC|A|F|1.1] VAR PLUNGE_RATE = [FP|A|F|1.1] VAR X_POSITION = [X|A|X|1.4] VAR Y_POSITION = [Y|A|Y|1.4|1.0] VAR Z_POSITION = [Z|A|Z|1.4|1.0] VAR X_HOME_POSITION = [XH|A|X|1.4] VAR Y_HOME_POSITION = [YH|A|Y|1.4] VAR Z_HOME_POSITION = [ZH|A|Z|1.4|1.0] VAR SAFE_Z_HEIGHT = [SAFEZ|A|Z|1.4|1.0] VAR WRAP_DIAMETER = [WRAP_DIA|A||1.3] +================================================ + + Block definitions for toolpath output + +================================================ +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output at the start of the file +--------------------------------------------------- begin HEADER "( File Name: [TP_FILENAME])" "( Created: [TIME], [DATE])" "( for Next Wave Automation from Vectric )" "( Rotary setup: Along Y Warp X)" "( Cylinder Size:)" "( Length = [YLENGTH])" "( Diameter = [WRAP_DIA])" "( Z Origin = [Z_ORIGIN])" "( XY Origin = [XY_ORIGIN])" " " "( Home Position:)" "( X = [XH], Y = [YH], Z = [ZH])" "( Safe Z = [SAFEZ])" "( Toolpaths used in this file:)" "( [TOOLPATHS_OUTPUT])" "( Tools used:)" "( [TOOLS_USED])" " " "( Files Notes: [FILE_NOTES])" " " "(---------------------------------------)" "( Toolpath: [TOOLPATH_NAME])" "(---------------------------------------)" "G90" "G20" "[FC]" "G64 P.1" +--------------------------------------------------- + Command output after the header to switch spindle on +--------------------------------------------------- begin SPINDLE_ON "G0 [ZH]" "[S]" "M3" "G04 P6" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for rapid moves +--------------------------------------------------- begin RAPID_MOVE "[FC]" "G01 [X] [Y] [Z]" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for the plunge move +--------------------------------------------------- begin PLUNGE_MOVE "[FP]" "G01 [X] [Y] [Z]" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for the first feed rate move +--------------------------------------------------- begin FIRST_FEED_MOVE "[FC]" "G01 [X] [Y] [Z]" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for feed rate moves +--------------------------------------------------- begin FEED_MOVE "G01 [X] [Y] [Z]" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output for a new segment - toolpath +--------------------------------------------------- begin NEW_SEGMENT "(---------------------------------------)" " Toolpath:- ([TOOLPATH_NAME]) " "(---------------------------------------)" +--------------------------------------------------- + Commands output at the end of the file +--------------------------------------------------- begin FOOTER "[FC]" "G01 [ZH]" "G01 [XH] [YH]" "M02"